Signs That Your Home Needs A Roof Repair

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Looking after and maintaining your roof is essential to maintain its energy efficiency and to keep it structurally sound. By looking out for the following warning signs, you can stay on top of necessary roof repairs:

Moisture Patches

Dark patches or mould on the ceiling can indicate that rain is seeping through the roofing. If not addressed, this dampness can lead to further damage, rotting and decay. By viewing the situation from the attic or rooftop cavity (if you can), you'll get a more unobstructed view of possible moisture-affected areas. 

Broken Or Missing Tiles

Terracotta and concrete tiles can crack at times or shift out of place, allowing rainwater inside. You might be able to see these issues from ground level, or alternatively, you can book a roof inspection. Climbing up ladders can be hazardous so this is often best left to the experts. If your heating or cooling bills suddenly spike or your home is hotter or colder than usual, this can indicate broken tiles. Roofing can reflect solar radiation and also insulate a house, and any holes will affect those tasks. Broken and missing tiles also give a neglected air to the exterior and are best addressed promptly.

Sagging Ceiling Or Roofing

Sagging, either on the ceiling or roof, is another possible sign of problems. If water pools within the roof cavity, this can weaken the ceiling, causing it to droop. From outside, you may notice an overall fall as well, which could indicate structural problems or else be due to aging.

Telltale Corrosion

Another signal that you require roof repair is corrosion. Rusting metal around the guttering, flaky paint on the fascia or rotting timber indicate that water is accumulating. While your roof may simply be aging, the decay can also suggest problems. Other prime spots to check are the metal materials that join the chimney or vents and the roof.

Aging Elements

Depending on your roof material, it will typically last several decades. As the structure ages, it will usually deteriorate faster and require more repairs. Eventually, you'll have to decide to either restore or replace it entirely. Because the roofing protects the frame, ceilings and walls, you should attend to any issues as they arise otherwise you risk damage to those elements as well. Regular inspections and checks will catch any problems before they magnify and cause further deterioration. As soon as water penetrates your roofing, it can lead to expensive and unnecessary servicing. 
